Cataracts is a common condition which forms when the clear transparent lens inside your eye becomes cloudy or misty. It is usually a gradual process that occurs mostly as we get older and can affect one or both eyes. However, cataracts can also affect babies and young children (congenital cataracts).
The clear transparent lens where the cataract forms lies behind the iris and the pupil. It works much like a camera lens, focusing light, or an image, on the retina.
The retina is the light-sensitive tissue at the back of the eye. Once the light, or image reaches the retina, it is changed into nerve signals that are sent to the brain. Besides focusing light on the retina, the lens also adjusts the eye’s focus, letting us see things clearly both up close and far away.
The lens must be clear for the retina to receive a sharp image. The lens is made of mostly water and protein. The protein is arranged in a precise way that allows light to pass through it without distortion. But as we age, proteins in the lens clump together causing a cataract. At first, the protein may clump together and cloud a small area of the lens where you may be unaware of any vision loss. Over time the clouds may increase in size and number, clouding more of the lens eventually leading to more noticeable symptoms such as blurred vision and colours appearing faded. In advanced cases it can lead to temporary visual impairment where surgery may be required to remove the cataract and replace it with an artificial lens implant.
Having regular eye tests can detect cataracts in its early stages therefore it is important to keep up to date with regular eye examinations. In most cases vison can be corrected to an acceptable level with glasses or contact lenses therefore surgery can be avoided at this time. Alternatively, if your vision loss cannot be corrected and it interferes with your daily life then you may benefit from cataract surgery.
At Eye Definition, our optometrist can advise you on cataracts and if required refer you for cataract surgery. Majority of cataracts continue to develop gradually so you may not notice any symptoms in its early stages but as time goes on it will eventually impair your vision. The only way to restore your vision is by surgery therefore having the cataract removed and inserting an artificial lens called an Intra-ocular lens in its place. Cataract surgery is one of the most common and quickest surgeries performed and many patients are able, to return to their usual daily routine after 24hrs.
If you have any questions about cataracts or are concerned about your vision, please get in touch with our optometrist.
. Excessive exposure to ultraviolet rays from the sun
. Smoking
Sally Prescott
Alastair Little