

Blepharitis Management Specialists in Richmond, London


Specialist Blepharitis Management Based in Richmond, London

Blepharitis is a chronic inflammatory condition of the eyelid margins. It can occur at any age but is common mainly in older adults.

In most patients the cause is unknown but can be made worse in the presence of skin conditions such as seborrheic dermatitis, acne rosacea and eczema. Blepharitis also tends to be worse in cold windy weather, air-conditioned environments, prolonged computer use, sleep deprivation, contact lens wear and with general dehydration.

The condition itself is not usually serious or contagious but it can lead to other secondary conditions if not treated such as dry eye syndrome, cysts, and conjunctivitis.

Categories of Blepharitis

Blepharitis is split into two categories:

Anterior Blepharitis: Affects the skin around the outside front of the eyelid margin where the base of the eyelashes, are attached. The two most common causes of anterior blepharitis is a reaction to bacteria which lives harmlessly on our skin, but for unknown reasons can cause the eyelids to become inflamed and scalp dandruff which can irritate the eyelids and lead to blockage of the meibomian glands.

Posterior Blepharitis: Affects the inner part of the eyelid margin behind the base of the eyelashes causing the pores of the meibomian glands which are responsible in secreting and producing an oily substance for the tears to become obstructed and hardened by debris, skin flakes or inflammation, a term commonly described as ‘meibomian gland dysfunction’. This in turn causes evaporative dry eyes due to the reduction in quality and quantity of the oily substance that the tears receive in between blinks.

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Warm Compresses (Eye mask) – critical in loosening debris and to soften and melt the oils blocking the glands allowing improved gland expression during lid massage.

Lid massage – Firmly and gently with clean fingers squeezing the top and bottom lids across the length of each lid to push the oils out of the glands.

Sterilised Eye Wipes – To wipe away excess oil and remove any crust, bacteria, dust or grime which may have built up.

If you have any questions about blepharitis or are concerned about your vision, please get in touch with our optometrist.


  • Symptoms of blepharitis:

    The symptoms often come and go, and these can include one or any of the following combinations below:

    • Itchy eyelids
    • Red eyes
    • Watery eyes
    • A gritty, burning, or stinging sensation in the eyes.
    • Sore eyes – leading to red, swollen eyelids
    • Sensitivity to bright lights
    • Flakes or Crusts around the roots of the eyelashes
    • Eyelids sticking together in the morning when you wake up.
    • Blurred vision that usually improves with blinking
    • Small cysts on the eyelid margin.

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